chevron_rightCan I pay my HOA bill in the HOA office? Yes, you can always bring your bill into the office to be paid. If you cannot make it here before the close of business hours at 5 pm, you may drop your payment in the after hours mail drop slot in the office door.
chevron_rightI have 3 vehicles and only 2 parking spaces. Can I park my 3rd car in guest parking on the upper roadway? No. The upper roadway is for guest parking only. Additional resident parking is very hard to come by. Your only option is to rent a space from another resident or from the association. Availability is extremely limited. Please keep this in mind when thinking of moving to Marina Pacifica.
chevron_rightI'm going to be having some plumbing work done. Can I have the water to my key shut off? Yes. We do water shut offs on Tuesdays and Thursdays only (unless there is an emergency situation) from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. As a courtesy to our residents, we require 48 hours notice to make them aware of a water shut off.
chevron_rightI've purchased a new car and need a new transponder. Can it be replaced? Yes it can. Transponders should be purchased in the HOA office for $25.
chevron_rightWhat breeds of dogs are prohibited in Marina Pacifica? The following breeds of dogs may not be kept as pets: Pit Bulls, German Shepherds, Malamutes, Chows, Great Danes, Rottweilers, Husky-types, Wolf-dog hybrids, Doberman Pinchers, Akitas, Staffordshire Terrier, and Jindos.
chevron_rightWhy is my water turned off? I didn't receive a notice! Water shut offs are scheduled on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.. The office sends out a recorded voice message as well as positing a notice in each mailroom of that key.Occasionally there will be an emergency plumbing issue that cannot wait for a scheduled water shut off. Unfortunately in this case you may not receive a notice of water shut off as this is an emergency situation. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.