
HOA Office 562-598-3323
Security 562-598-7888



New Rental Policy
To: All Association Members
From: MPHOA Management at the Direction of the Board
Re: Administrative Change to Rental Processing Fee
The Board voted at the March 28, 2023 General Session Board Meeting to adopt the following rental processing fees effective immediately:
A $200 processing fee will be charged for any lease/rental term from 31 days to six (6) months.
A $100 processing fee will be charged for any lease/rental for 6 months or longer.
These non-refundable fees will be applicable every time the owner changes tenants.
Please contact the HOA office with any questions.
Thank you,
MPHOA Management

Current Litigation


MPHOA General Session Board Meeting Zoom

Next General Session Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 25th. Time to be determined. 
Clubhouse or Zoom.
Click here for agenda
Join Zoom Meeting by clicking the link below!

Meeting ID: 786 925 7471
Passcode: MPHOA
+16699009128,,7869257471#,,,,*574980# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,7869257471#,,,,*574980# US (Houston)

Bulletin Board

Educational Videos-Older Condominiums

Moving in to Marina Pacifica? What You Should Know.

If you are thinking of moving into Marina Pacifica there are a few important things you should know.
New residents MUST register with the office on or before the date of move-in. If you are a new tenant, you must bring us a copy of your signed lease agreement when registering.
Our registration form can be found here , our moving guidelines here and our new resident information sheet here.
Marina Pacifica does have restricted breeds of animals. Per our CC&Rs, the following breeds of dogs may not be kept as pets:
"Pit Bulls, German Shepherds, Malamutes, Chows, Great Danes, Rottweilers, Husky-types, Wolf-dog hybrids, Doberman Pinchers, Akitas, Staffordshire Terrier and Jindos. The Association may restrict other categories of animals which are dangerous or have aggressive tendencies, as designated by the insurance industry or a governmental agency."
Please visit our FAQ page for additional information.

Contact Management

Marina Pacifica Homeowners Association
*A Self Managed Community Association
Mailing Address:
6201 E. 2nd Street
Long Beach CA 90803
Office: 562 598-3323
Fax: 562 596-4198

HOA Dues

Please send all HOA payments to:
Marina Pacifica HOA
PO Box 57063
Irvine CA 92619
Made payable to:
Marina Pacfica HOA
Please include your account number.
All billing questions should be directed to the Marina Pacifica HOA office: 562 598-3323

Selling or Refinancing?

Trying to sell or refinance your unit?... No problem!
For all your escrow docs, HOA certs and more..
For any questions please contact Rachel Ingram at
562-598-3323 or  email ringram@marinapacificahoa.com
Upfront fees apply.